In a previous lesson you plotted a parabola. Plotting something
like $y=x^2$ might seem pretty easy. But what if you wanted to draw a parabola that was rotated by say $15^\circ$?
How would you do that?
It turns out that if you want to rotate an $(x,y)$ point through an angle of $\theta$, you can use
these equations to compute a new $(x,y)$ pair, that is rotated through and angle $\theta$:
$xp = x \cos\theta - y \sin\theta$
$yp = x \sin\theta + y \cos\theta$
In this notation, if $x$ and $y$ are your unrotated (or "normal") points, then $xp$ and $yp$ will be
where the point would be, if rotated through $\theta$ degrees.
Now you try. Program in the rotation formulas above and see if you can draw a parabola rotated through $15^\circ$.
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You can use dcos(..) and dsin(..) for sin and cos functions that use degrees, or math.cos(..) and math.sin(..) for functions that use radians.
When done rotating a parabola, trying rotating a sine-wave, or a line, a $x^4$ polynomial, or any other math function you want!
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